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About Me

  • Email: me@koda.life
  • Website: www.koda.life
  • Age & Education: 18 Years & a High School graduate

Koda Lee Allen

I'm an avid programming puzzle-seeker, on a real note; I'm a freelancing software developer. In high school, I was a teacher's aid for CTE Game and Web design with a Certificate of Completion in CTE Web Design/Development (June 2020) & a partial completion in CTE Game Design/Development (June 2019). My personal life is compiled of work, family and school with a mix of hobbies such as playing computer games and dedicating my free time to private, public or community project creation and development.

I've been apart of or have led a good amount of projects; one of my recent projects was a website and newsletter system that was created by me for my High School's Key Club Charter. I'm typically available for freelancing most of the time; if it is a non-profit & for good cause, I'm glad to volunteer my experience into any development it would need.

Here's a life story: I've been on the computer since 2007 (approx. 3 years old) and I gained knowledge about how computers work and throughout my time in elementary and middle school, I would impress my teachers, parents & friends after showing them something they didn't know about on the computer, I was then further led into development after my 6th science teacher which who was also a robotics elective teacher using LEGO's STEM noticed that I had been playing around with Chrome's "DevTools" (specifically the Inspect Element window) and Scratch; he would then persuade my parents into putting me into said robotics class, which had me interested at the time, and the rest is history. I can now say without a doubt that computer programming & development is a passion to me and has been an important part of my life ever since I started learning HTML and JavaScript in the 7th grade.

My Resume

  • Work / Other Experience

  • Freelancing

    Multiple Clients - 2020 - Current

    I've had a few clients contact me to have me create a few things:

    • Websites
    • App Interfaces
    • Game Mods/Plugins
    • Back-ends/APIs
    • and plenty of other stuff

  • Lead Developer

    Community Service - My School - 2021 - Current

    I created a school-approved website for Key Club to help us promote our cause and exclaim on our efforts to support our local communities by doing charitible volunteer work which in turn helps us provide service, build character, gain leadership skills and overall make the world a better place.

    To prevent harassment, you must contact me via email to retrieve this work sample.

  • Education

  • CTE Web Design

    My School - 2020 - Completed

  • CTE Game Design

    My School - 2019 - Partial

My Services

Web Design

I have plenty of experience when it comes to creating & designing website front-end's.

Back-end / API

I've created custom API's & I've worked on server-side systems.

Database Management

I have experience with multiple database systems, the top 2 being MariaDB (SQL) and MongoDB (JSON-oriented).










Need to contact me?

Well I would like to inform you that my inbox is more than open and ready for you! Shoot an email over, even if its a general inquiry
